
Thanks for dropping by! My name is Jami, and I'm a photographer located in Utah. This blog (when I remember to update it) is all about my life, my family, and my photography. Please feel free to look around, and if you'd like to leave a comment....well, I'd love that! Also, don't forget to visit my website and become a fan on Facebook.

Have a wonderful day!

~ Jami

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Nov 10, 2008

1st NILMDTS session

I went on my first call for NILMDTS yesterday, and it was an incredible experience. I didn't actually shoot any pictures, as I was just shadowing another photographer, but I was still able to form a connection with Baby "G" and his family.

The photographer that I was with told me that this case was very different from what she usually sees, as the baby was still living and wasn't connected to any wires or tubes. This sweet little boy is 2 months old and just beautiful. One day, just out of the blue, he developed an infection in his brain, and now has brain damage and won't live much longer. The family was so amazing, and the experience was unlike anything I've ever been involved in.

I feel extremely honored and humbled to be a part of this incredible organization, and for the opportunity to meet these beautiful families and their sweet angels.

2 Comments.....I Love Comments!:

Aloi Family said...

Jami.... that is so wonderful that you get to be able to do such great work for families, however how do you not break down and start balling? I would have such a hard time. You are amazing! may god bless you as you bless these families lives.

Anonymous said...

I ran a cross your blog and saw this post. It is an amazing gift that people like you provide to those families. I have been one of those families we are truly grateful for those services.